Trauma and Child Development

Florida’s Family Court recognizes that trauma, child development, and outcomes are inextricably linked. Examples of ways Florida's Family Courts are moving toward becoming more trauma-responsive are highlighted within this site.

Supreme Court of Florida Administrative Order No. AOSC16-46PDF Download

Trauma and Child Development Tool Kit. 

Assessing Trauma for Juvenile and Family Court Judges: From Development to ImplementationPDF Download (2019)

Trauma-Related News

Oprah Winfrey and Dr. Bruce Perry talk about their new book: What Happened To You?

Dr. Nadine Burke Harris & Camila Cabello: A Conversation About ACEs

'Glimmers' are the opposite of triggers. Here's how to embrace them.

The story of your number is the story of your ACE history.

Trauma in Children During the COVID-19 Pandemic

Widener Commonwealth Law Review (2019 Law Article) - TRAUMA-INFORMED PRACTICE: THE FUTURE OF CHILD WELFARE? 

Trauma-Informed Law: A Primer for Practicing Lawyers and a Pathway for Resilience and Healing Edited by Helgi Maki, Marjorie Florestal, Myrna McCallum, and J Kim Wright


Last Modified: October 25, 2023